Sunday, January 20, 2008

Book resource

Hi guys,

I just received 'Illusion of life' through mail last week and I am so delighted by this book that I decided to put Amazon recommend widget on the blog.

I intend to put all literature that might help and I find interesting.
You can use the widget or just get ideas for later. Ether way, if it helps I'm happy.

In the next few days I'll post another animation exercises, until then I'll read upon my new book! :)

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Walking .. again

Here are some videos of walk I showed in the post before.
First is shot from the side, and below it is almost frontal shot.
Walk seems a bit jerky from the side, so I'll check and try to repair it.

See you soon, with new post

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Walking.. The process...


I thought to give some examples of drag, but I ran into some problems. While I figure them out, I thought to make my first video of how I do things.

Maybe some could give some pointers, or I could help some one else. Anyhow, I thought to give it a go.
This is video of my first walk. I did translating of the body from one end of the screen to the next, showing only body and the legs.

Arms and head would come next as a secondary motion.
Feel free to watch :) and comment (please comment)

You can download SWF file here (just choose save as... option)

Refinement of the process will be following, hopefully very soon.
This is Low-max rig for the 3ds Max with head, hands and instructions hidden. Many thanks to the author!!!